
Monster OnlineDew point of brown sugar under the tongue !

Hiccup whenDepends on the water on your nose, burp, when the middle finger pulp pinch with the thumb hard. Not a

2. Shanghai medicated soap every day red feet, wash your socks insole mysterious, can go to foot odor.

3. mango turn on the gas Ji seconds, then peel the skin is very good

4. Tomato afraid of pesticides, scalded with boiling water, the skin will peel to the
< br> 5. to say the people to know about the cones, do not care if the clothes drop on the oil, before doing the laundry, the clothes are dry insist, then drops on the premises at the drop of detergent, then rub the two , the wash, then there would be a mimeographed sub

6. with sand or foreign objects into the eyes, immediately spit, 8774.org, spit more, and then kept blinking, one hundred test Braun The

7. home has a lot of cups of tea stains, you can use toothpaste to brush, wipe the tea stains on a brush on the down friends

8. white shoe brush complete package of toilet paper on the sun , in the sun exposure, will be very white ~!

9. back Peas, with bath salts or Shanghai sulfur soap, persist for some time to go

10. Vitamin E coated eyelashes, eyelashes will become another fine and long < br>
11. with a mosquito lit leaned wart, and slowly roasted it, can not stand to get further ahead and then continue until toasted, about a week or so go to the root of the wart on his own. . .

12. oral ulcers with white wine, such as paralysis did not feel, to spit. (Alcoholism has also made a big swallow). Several times a day, Ji-day like

13. Rule rhinitis remedies, and washed with a saline nasal cavity.

This is nicely say, every time I keep telling people that the salt carried warm water from the nose into the call, and then spit from the mouth, many people feel very bad mouth, not homogeneous trust, but my personality that we three had a good home without chaos.

14. think the next song, a lot of sites online supply only listen, but a lot has already been downloaded to your temporary folder (C: Documents and Settings zl Local Settings Temporary Internet Files ), to which copy and paste into other folders on it

15. after being bitten by mosquitoes bite of the package with a ballpoint pen around the circle to draw the line Ji itching

16. Shanghai sulfur smelly soap, also can be used in addition to a slight armpit sweat Oh! ! ! !

Seoul to buy the one before the summer, water on a thick coat in the armpit, if Kwan had to add another point of water, so that slurry finished the day at the shower, wash. This once or twice it, the whole summer without any sweat from Han Han are with something.

17. always on hand long before the frostbite, Cayao Well, kind of the second year of Zhao and later to talk about my father I do not know where to Pok, in the winter and into the future, they just boil the water every day ginger and pepper guns, etc. that let the water cool my hot little hands. The key is to try to heat the water, as long as you bear it, the more heat the better, but not boiled Ha so persist for some time, I hand no regeneration of frostbite.

18. slow pharyngitis can brush your teeth with salt water every morning, so I made two years from broken.

19. fried fish with ginger rub the pot before the stick .. not friends.

20. washing with soap fertile floor tiles, the effect that a Ming okay

21. super good stuff - essential balm! Insect itching, you can also go to stains, ballpoint pen and India in particular, a clean gone.

22. talcum powder sprinkled on the white cones name shoes, can prevent dirty.

23. sticky paper and tape is not down, in front with a hair dryer blowing Ji minutes, can be easily taken off.

24. the thick lemon juice diluted with evenly sprayed on the hair, hair dryer hot air drying, the hair was slightly red wine, like dyed the same Oh!

25. a stomach ache, press the tiger's mouth hole

26. long white Luo Buqie of frostbite of the fire burned, hot wipe frostbite Department, once a day, until frostbite dissipated, Pok tried with the second year did not grow back

27. very severe acne squeeze toothpaste in the above point, swelling speeding, just two hours zoco will wash, or piece of skin bitten black

28. drink endless big bottles of Coke, you can come home are less likely to leak Oh, the bottle morning, the water can block the heart of the unique gas

29 drip nosebleed, they can dip their hands in cold water shot neck, hands middle finger can also be hooked for some time

30. TX homes have put a lot of long wave of Mongolia - If loose tea Shen would not clean the oil pan, simmer slowly roasted, only 2 minutes on the OK thing - If you do not want to drink in the refrigerator with the freezer, put it to find a cloth bag, placed in cold room to hide a corner, In addition to scent than a dedicated environment to put more eggs ~ ~ a big one you can use two or three weeks - so soft Papa when he lost - or you can use it to clean the sink! Oh well ~ Do not use water on the tank walls orthogonal to the oil friction ~ Oh!

31. nail polish to nails after soaking in cold water, will dry very moving rapidly

32. the parent is the child's stockings sharp objects easier to scratch, to buy back up frozen in the refrigerator in a while, wear, then it is not easy to broken.

33. coated with saliva from Peter in the smaller wound on the outside (especially abrasions, scratches, etc.), very helpful for healing wounds.

34. I heard a white Luo Buqie students, there are rust stains on clothes where to hit Ji minutes to do something with the incision smashing, white radish juice a little infiltrated the go, and then clothes Ji minutes to hold a laundry soap with water plus rust rub Ji on the next try out ~ TX ~ ~

35. cosmetics tips:

mascara did not quite Toner alcohol or baby oil or eye drops

pour nail polish remover nail polish dry

frozen over dry nail polish faster

mid essence moisturizing skin care products exposed to replace cream

36. sucker suction is not strong: a hot water 2 egg 3 sweet condensed

37. Overnight with water or tea tea painted long eyelashes, a week effective ~ ~ (free on the coating)

38. Summer because of hot or sweating, and I will grow a little back capsules of things, with cucumber or aloe Bao full wipe before bed time, do not wash. twenty-three days like

39. mosquito bite, the most blunt way is to use soap after cleaning the bathroom painted about

40. If the clothes are not stained with tomato juice or other fruit juice accidentally, immediately wipe with a damp paper towel, basic can be removed without leaving any traces (I have experimented with a red dress).

41. because the tea leaves that cup if tea stains, you can use the letter after the wet (I do not know now who still do) rub, very useful, especially porcelain.

42. eat more tomatoes can cure dark circles, eating habits and then stay up all night no matter Xin Ku are definitely not a black eye will not Mianyoucaise. I do not know that the VC or other elements at work.

43. there is a layer of diamond ornaments painted on the translucent nail polish, diamond is not easily lost

44. take a bath when the skin back and forth rubbing salt

First, you can exfoliate

Second, you can lose weight

gray skin after a bath often drops tender. Salt is common salt. If you want to lose weight is to cut down the location of designated circle ~

45. Leg meat consumption approach, breaking down and then kicking his legs do the self-propelled vehicle. I was kicking a song every time, the effect is very natural

46. Insist on the morning drink warm honey water, the skin will get better yo

47. If the eyes are sties, middle finger wrapped with cotton thread, tie a knot after the trap, to return the pulling cotton. If the eyes are long, then wrapped his hands on the middle finger, way above. I do not know I do not understand the expression. This approach is very useful, father's mother had just cured sty. Stye with the line tied to the middle finger is a result of that is the root of the pericardium and triple burner of the passing position. If at a later stage there are signs of pus filling out the stimulation of this point, but also at the eye with a hot towel, my sty is so good, very effective.

48. because the mother and all over the carpet so that some love on Blanket approach ~

1. Soy sauce, vinegar, milk, charcoal cream, drinks, dirty carpet, can be squeezed with a cloth dipped in warm water after the draw,[url=http://www.moncleruksales.co.uk]Moncler Store[/url], then alcohol wipe to wash Oh

2. Pools of blood stained the carpet can be cleaned in cold water, then rub salt or lemon juice. Oh, can not use hot water, because the blood of every heat will be solidified cement

49. If you sing K sang the words of the first home I remember a cup of hot lemon honey Oh Ji ~ ~

50 . notes marked interest not alert sprinkle a little water or oil to what can be temporarily under the first blow with a hair dryer, and then shut down Oh welcome to the customer in not re-boot before Do not use Oh, so harmful to the construction management Ha 51. Laundry Oh, it hurt like pink Converse canvas shoes, white shoes, rubber toe and 4 weeks with toothpaste whiten Collage is praise, remember not to prolonged sun exposure under the sun Oh

52. books or materials by water wipe dry and then wet a little heavy with the book than its good squeeze put a plastic bag in the fridge and the ice cream frozen layer to make it half a chance to sleep over the original book will become like Oh

53. Luoli Si pomade

hot over a decade made twice a year, and never burn to do maintenance, but after the first washing hair, put a little dry this hair oil. Never burns the hair split ends, dry hair, spray shape the future and no water, it will not open the bottle. I would have thought that his hair is good, too disabled, or switch to other foreign brands, the result immediately dried yellow split ends. Cheap, more than three money, but watch out do not wipe too, may feel more hair oil. Lianhua Supermarket small sale

54. Every day a sheep eye + jujube + longan boiled soup (a bowl of enough weight on the foot), the response is called a pseudo myopia good effect, for the true myopia, there was a marked improvement of visual effects, I belong to the latter. However, easy to get angry to eat like this every day, so pay attention to it,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Monster Online[/url]!

55. correction fluid (correction fluid) get in the hands of how to do: with orange peel or orange peel, squeeze a little juice on the skin, wipe the go in addition to

56. Converse how to clean these canvas shoes?

with a soft cloth, in fact, stockings can be friends with folding detergent, wash clean, not to hurt the shoes!

57. Pepsi down on the toilet floor tiles, half an hour to rub, to dirt, not to hurt the tiles, I do not know road will not be extravagant.

58.? shellfish stew Sydney Bingtang Shui, the cough wonders,? shellfish are sold in pharmacies, 10 grams each way, twice a day, to a bustling, drink it,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Beats Dy Dr Dre[/url], my last cough no good medication injection a month later that day to drink the sugar water did not Ji healed, close friends, listen to me with this prescription cough the two.

59. Cat cat ringworm if the long, hair shaved clean the affected area, and then cast a day called and markedly.

60. pull recommended under the gourd of water, the people kind of gourd vines can take the cut, not so TAOBAO on 20 a bottle, 400 ml, fabulous - I love what the black fill, dig a face on the red mask with a gourd of water deposited on the first two days will simply gone, and the way the United States pores soap. Taobao directly bought a case of home

61. summer long prickly heat easily people The orphan leaves or honeysuckle boils water bath, to hide free from prickly heat, skin becomes slippery, good results

62. collect treasure with play money, fee bank transfer fee. If the daily limit 10,000 yuan

63. Eating out, soup, put their own point of balsamic vinegar, to taste must have been effective antivirus

64. Winter dry shampoo after blowing 8 minutes wipe dry hair point in olive oil, anti-dry split ends, hair Zao more day will not feel Oh, do not wipe more than 8

65. throat lit up early cup of dry salt brine, to swallow a mouthful slowly, a few days later

Balm Natural healing can end a lot of dissolved organic matter, correction fluid, glue stick on the table, but I have not tried the laundry
< br> cold nose ventilation can or bottle of water vapor cup smoked, 9022.org, two minutes clear of the nose on a cold air can

Ai soak in boiling water, feet, very good (Ai is the Dragon Boat Festival Festival pulling on the door of the kind of animal)

66. Vaseline is good stuff .. good for sensitive skin speak out of turn can be used when the total curb lip balm, beautiful with ..

67. with a clear plastic bag around the end of the first nail clippers can prevent nails when bombs are everywhere

68. Massage feet with Vaseline, then wear socks to bed the next day, give you a pair of pink feet.

69. sleep, nose plug, very difficult to grant, a small handkerchief in his face covered (light thick you can), had a moment on the ventilation of the nose.

70. eat tomatoes that can help stubborn secret

to buy a new casserole chopping block (wooden) soaked in water for one night can crack

have tea stains cup scrub with toothpaste (after a lot of friends friends said stress is really useful)

oil deal with the mighty stubborn students (especially cleaned up the kitchen tile a spraying Ji seconds to get a rub

71. 0.025% of Vitamin A acid cream: even thou the one acne, before going to bed painted Peas, and it disappeared on the base of the original.

hepudiod: Peas consumer After the elimination pock, pock this is Fuxin Sheng, without hormones, with effects.

Rose Hip Oil: not expensive, painted scars good results, including old scars, have been knock on the leg of a small Mark is now basically gave up, but too often rub and massage.

72. to recommend a really not very easy to use and affordable to the mask: the snow is perfect

domestic products, Hong Kong there are also many people praise the words of interest for the individual real good care

Yes, I grew up with a lot of acne are not effective, sophomore complete with a bottle of acne without the snow Yan and toner printing essence, miraculously good, very useful!!!

73. buy soft white sugar instead of white sugar; to find a clean plastic box and put to a department soft white sugar; and then put some water, not too much, not too much sugar and cotton look roughly 1:3; so important to avoid wetting the sugar frosted sugar effect is too strong wear thin face; wait until the wash time to take over directly on it.

1 first washing their faces, my face wet

2 film has been wetting the cotton abandoned sugar (about half a tablespoon or you looked at the quality do it) wiping his face, where there is focus on wiping where Indian children, and other local course can also be used.

3 Do not worry in the face grinding, let sugar dissolve in the face of it, then open the first facial cleanser to get start wash, to accompany the water gently massage the face, until the sugar dissolved integrity, washed with water on it (you can also put sugar and cleanser in the palm before rubbing it, then to wash with).

4 If you think washing is not very clean, because there may be some sticky white sugar, take a small amount of cleanser wash look.

twelve days there are very significant results, Ji is the world to effect markedly.

sensitive muscle of MM can take the body of the first skin test, if you do not feel bad friends.

74. Soymilk make soy milk at home when the residue left behind Do not throw away a day sooner or later be used to wash face with warm water and gently consultation is the face, washed clean look to the future and then send cold shrink pores, that face is tender and the text ah. Anyway, to me this skin was dry and oil-sensitive super useful for me, very fresh, but not very dry ~

75. summer sandals wear heels, with the cream and vinegar cheap look, to the death of the skin rejuvenation are particularly good, my mother painted feet long so that the top heel, feels better than soft ~ ~ ~ ~ even better results with Cuozai setback

76. ** eliminate blackheads way **

blackhead on the nose is very unsightly view of a hand to squeeze and often leave marks, in fact, in washing the face, stick some fine salt with your fingers gently rubbing the nose on both sides, and then washed with water net, blackhead will eliminate clean pores also become smaller.

** nosebleed **

treatment source nosebleeds, if the left nostril flow, and went to the right ear breathe in, and immediately stop the bleeding! and vice versa. Do not ask me how to do two nostrils to flow, if you really suffer so much repair or meeting you go to the hospital.

** ** treatment of oral ulcers

If mouth ulcers, use of vitamin C attached to the ulcer, so it is dissolving, ulcers basically like a...

** eyes off the dust **

small dust into the eyes, close your eyes hard cough Ji times, the dust will be from the eyes of people out.

77. sweeping the ground with hairy cones when cones do not like the sweep clean, and if there are rotten hole of stockings at home, do not throw to set the broom on the water stockings wet. and then sweep the floor when the hairy cones cones, floating dust would gradually getting on a broom stick, very clean and very convenient < br>
78. 3m of acne has long attached to the very unusual acne pus very useful

Qujun Shi's easy to use and cheap coconut fragrant bath oils, exhausted very moist, I Alice Alice legs could not, the skin is too astringent birds

clothes dyed with vegetable juice can water Zhu scrub clean

Taomi Shui (to scrub hard rice) under the slurry deposited in his face, rubbing the face can go after dry dead skin

rubbing the face with hot rice to remove the pores in the garbage can, stick to black

can open cooking pot of water vapor which look is the replenishment of

79. Corn: Corn is both long on the finger or other similar cocoon at tilting, Nayan smoked a day, Ji times, contact two or three days, like a ~ ~ reply as before, and never recurred ~ ~ ~ This recipe seems to be the Goddess of Mercy Fang, his friends and enemies have experience, super-effective

80. run out of toothpaste did not make it look like to actually inside There are a lot, I was pinching the two ends of toothpaste, and then buckle it in with what the edge of the desktop, hard pull, the lower back on the toothpaste piled on top, and this move is very useful, whether or plastic pipe aluminum, can be out a lot.

81. When a bubble tea bags, while drinking the eyes of a deposited 20-minutes, to eliminate bags under the eyes with black eyes. the big bags under the eyes The has been very effective, the most evil in the V-bed, when dry, and, best green tea or black tea.

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