
UGG Ultra ShortOutstanding principal overwork death of college students cut liver Rather Than

liver is donated,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/ugg-ultra-short-c-9.html]UGG Ultra Short[/url], the key is to not let his father know. At 18:00 on July 21st, the son of a doctor who cut off 60% from the liver, the next 0:00,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/ugg-ultra-short-c-9.html]UGG Ultra Short[/url], the son of the liver, and finally transplanted to his father's body.

the reporter Gou Ming

cut liver to save his son without telling his father

whose liver transplant? His wife was searching through the liver Junior British source, did not find a suitable donor. Moreover, her risk of breast cancer in 2007, it had already emptied the family savings, the children went to college last year and, with patient, so that the already impoverished family back more than 10 million of debt! How to do? Wu Dejun think, if they donate the liver, although there are three such patients at home, but at least at home or incomplete. Wu can only repair one would hit the roof.

explain to schools

before he has been concerned about the Tiananmen Square

call for contributions, I do not know who rescued

7 8,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/ugg-ultra-short-c-9.html]UGG Ultra Short[/url], Wu was transferred to Beijing was revised to a hospital. 19-year-old son, Wu Dejun is a holiday, but also to accompany his mother to go to Beijing to take care of his father. Two days later, Wu Xiu sicker, require immediate liver transplant.

Bo later learned that the sick child is not school teachers, but school principals Wu Qingbaijiang springs before repair. Bo thought that since the school launched the donation, but also contribute to the illness of the teacher, then the donation. The same day, the children took the 10 dollars donated to the class teacher at.

see the TV news, Bo (a pseudonym) is very excited: primary schools had united the son of Bo to 10 dollars, said donations to the Ng treatment.

Bo primary school children in first grade. September 1, the children go home, said the school let everyone contribute,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/ugg-ultra-short-c-9.html]UGG Ultra Short[/url], said a teacher sick, but no money to surgery, hope you add up the school to help teachers.

son lying or a novelty? Reporters found that this misunderstanding hidden behind a little-known story.

springs schools, under the jurisdiction of seven campuses of more than 3,700 students, busy, Wu Xiu except when the principal, who also serves as political teacher. Because of physical discomfort, April 21, Wu, repair to the Sichuan health examination, doctors found that his liver is very serious, so he was admitted to the hospital the next day. He hung the work of holding schools, school administrators often take over the file and transaction processing.

without telling his father donated his half of the liver

Wu woke up only after the repair, insert the tube was cut throat, unable to speak, can only use a pen to communicate with relatives. Writing is very difficult, he wrote, Family called the school and asked if the situation and tell him to listen to these situations.

parents wonder

a hard, overwork of the outstanding principal

noon yesterday, Bo turn on the TV, see Wu Qingbaijiang only repair station is promoting the principals of the story. TV said, Ng spared no efforts to work, overwork, July 27, died in hospital in Beijing. Bo is very strange: September 1, also have their own contribution to the principal, Zage July 27 were gone then?

this is a misunderstanding, it may not convey the place

this primary, essentially all of the children donations, contributions ranging from one to dozens of blocks. Yesterday afternoon, the reporter visited more than 10 students and some parents have said that donations to save the teacher, but they do not know which teacher.

money ran out long ago. Zuo Ying was with his son, went to his sister's home. Yesterday afternoon, Wu Dejun to the school his father before his death, to open a proof, he and his mother prepared to apply for subsistence allowances. p> Yesterday, the current president Pengxing De springs school desk, placed it on Wu deeds of repair materials. Recently, Qingbaijiang District School Board issued a special notice, called on the region's education system was revised to Wu study, the morning of September 8, the District also paid a special visit Wu, deputy secretary of repair only survivor, and sent condolences to King.

students with a deep love of the region's contribution to the springs is also the school together. Financial officer, said the specific amount is not clear, and so together, will be referred immediately to have the hands of the British rank and file.

Reporters saw the written proposal, said: breast cancer, child and in college, and now after his death, his wife has no work,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/ugg-ultra-short-c-9.html]UGG Ultra Short[/url], and treatment of hundreds of thousands of arrears, so that his family verge of collapse.

exactly how the case? School teacher on duty explained that the parents misunderstood. In fact, Wu is the only repair springs school principals, as overwork, died in Beijing treatment failed. However, the Ng family was relatively poor, medical treatment and spent hundreds of thousands. Therefore, the springs school initiative launched donations, written proposal is then sent to the school.

One day, he wrote, Who understand the Junior English, this way, she brought her son to Tiananmen Square, that there are primary school textbooks, teaching to the students about their many years of Tiananmen Square. He did not wait until his son told him to Tiananmen Square. 27 pm, Wu, repair went. Let Wu Dejun good news is that the father does not always know donated liver, not angry.

Department of Education issued a notice to learn Wu

-depth interview with a family show people moving out of the family ... ...

explain to schools

a heart Thanksgiving, cut the liver Rather Than the freshman students

a family filled, debt-ridden family of three

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