
beats by dre studioAfter signing the ticket to open the girl hit by traffic police detained off-road

events progress

correspondent from the Changchun Public Security Bureau Chaoyang District Public Security Bureau learned that the police after full investigation and evidence collection, investigation clear the fact that, according to Research the traffic police imposed on the injured security detention and impose a fine.

case of traffic law enforcement girls bad attitude

police investigation that, at 14 o'clock on October 25th, the king is Takanori traffic police on duty in the alley , found a license plate is and driving permit, issued after a ticket, and illegal drivers education.

Subsequently, the reporter went to the hospital's cardiology department, saw the girl's mother, Miss Jia Qimou. Miss Jia said that 25 Research the car hit the traffic police, the police went to the police station for Research the following investigation, the police are taking note, there have been convulsions Research the symptoms, then told police she was particularly hurt the heart, so that they quickly to the 120 call. Police hit the 120 emergency number, 18 am, an ambulance will be sent to the People's Liberation Army 461 Hospital of the girl.

15 o'clock, Research in police care,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]beats by dre studio[/url], from inpatient to come out the door. Research the knee-worn coat, collar up very high, Research the face is not exposed, hands her a still fluid. Miss Jia left hand holding a bottle, right out of the hospital Qimou totter, two from a taxi, two police also hit a car behind them.

accident the girl was sentenced detained by the security

conducting traffic safety education, Research on Wang said: You have opened a ticket, and I say what is the use,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]beats by dre studio[/url], I just can not see the one-way street signs. Research the range will drive Wang finished moving forward. Research the education does not see, Wang immediately went to the front of the vehicle to indicate its parking, Research and move on Wang knocked down, resulting in a waist Wang lying on the ground unable to move.

alleged, the parties more cordial atmosphere, traffic police said injured the other side to accept the apology.

13 am, Guilin Road police station two police rushed to the hospital and for hospital medical certificate issued by the girl's condition. Two police were kind enough to some account of the family together and tell each other but also a trip to Guilin Road Research the police station.

Miss Jia said the daughter, the past history of myocarditis is congenital, the inspection found that heart attack symptoms, so you can not let her frightened and stimulated.

accident girls parents hope the newspaper

the results

the same time, the girl's father, Jin Wei Qi Bin Indian industry initiative to contact the owner of the newspaper, recognize their language when in the face of extreme traffic police, through the newspaper is willing to apologize to the injured of the traffic police, he also hopes the public to forgive her daughter once her daughter is just a child do something wrong, and also with congenital heart disease.

Police said the incident, Guilin Road police station rushed to the scene. Find the scene when police witnesses,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]beats by dre studio[/url], the presence of people have condemned the behavior of the driver Qimou, including three people volunteered to do the traffic police station as evidence. Through on-site eyewitness testimony of witnesses and statements of both parties, the police finally find out the whole thing.

see Wang was knocked down, get off Qimou exclaimed: cynically: Wang, under the hands of the phone, and phone shouting, but later found not dial phone, so call again fell on the Wang's body, continue to cry and shout, until the people call the police, 110 patrol arrived after the be stopped.

mother said her daughter has a history of myocarditis

312 reporters came to the door of the ward, see Research the face towards the wall, lying on the bed inside the infusion. Miss Jia came persuade reporters to leave,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]beats by dre studio[/url], she told reporters on the presence of the other, there is anything you can ask her, but do not find her daughter.

26 morning, the reporter came to the hospital. Wang lives in traffic police knocked a clinic surgical ward. Wang said that the waist is still feeling some pain, do CT 25 other films came out, the doctor said there is nothing too serious problem, is the waist contusion, recovery for some time on the line.

girl to live with the traffic impact, the same hospital

present,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]beats by dre studio[/url], Chaoyang Public Security Bureau under the

your family has been injured in the traffic police parents apologized

News Playback: 25, 14 am, Chaoyang District, Changchun City, Takanori comrades Street and alley intersection with the traffic police knocked incident occurred, a 22-year-old girl driving a sport utility vehicle violation in the one-way road. Traffic police to the girl to sign a ticket, then start the car suddenly for unknown reasons, the traffic police will be standing in front of the car knocked down. Impact, traffic police said the girl always foul-mouthed against. People also said the scene, the girl rushed to the scene said the father

after the event, opened off-road vehicles in the two police girls Qimou accompanied to Guilin Road police station are taking note. In the meantime, due to sudden heart attack was sent to Research the People's Liberation Army 461 Hospital. At 15:00 on the 26th, the police Qimou away from the hospital, and that will be punished by administrative detention Research the punishment.

Miss Jia said that she still did not believe her daughter deliberately crashed the traffic police, was certainly confused, do not know how to deal with, resulting in car After launching a few meters straight ahead, hit the traffic police. Miss Jia said, anyway, the car still hit that traffic police, they expressed deep regret, on the 25th night, Miss Jia and her husband injured in traffic police went to the ward, on behalf of her daughter expressed to each other Qimou apology.

mother, the girl shelter from the hospital hands out

day, Changchun Municipal Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Detachment of Chaoyang battalion political commissar to the hospital to visit Wang, let him take in the hospital for treatment, and said the recent spate of traffic police knocked event, the traffic police encounter this a class of things, but also reasonable and legitimate to protect their interests, from the police station to investigate the matter at present, is not convenient to say something. Coincidentally, the girl Qimou due to sudden illness, but also the hospital for treatment.

event reduction

to hit the traffic police and the public expression of regret

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