
UGG ClearanceDrug dens strange smell wafting seized by police

Sports Network (Chutianjinbao) Recently, Yichang Xiling Public Security Bureau police officer in a drug arrest when, by chance through rental exudes an exotic flavor, found a drug dens, police the five suspects were captured in one fell swoop, and 4.225 kg confiscated on the spot,

rental distribution exotic fragrance

9 3 afternoon 2 pm, according to police reports Xiling Public Security Bureau, to a company in Shenzhen Road Dongshan Development Zone dormitory caught a rental catch a drug addicts. He tried to enter the dormitory two men found a stranger downstairs, immediately turned quickly away, this minor situation raises the attention of police.

police inspect the dormitory, one of the rental emit strange fragrance. Accompanied by the homeowner,UGG Outlet, police entered the house search. Entered the room, the scene in front for all to shock: in the bedroom are placed in the tablet presses, blenders, alcohol lamp, flask, crucible holder and other tools, piled on the side of a large number of red glass suspicious powder,UGG Sale UK, ground also chairs were caffeine, flavors, colors, oxalic acid, sodium hydroxide, calcium chloride, ammonia, headache powder, ephedra and other items. Identified by the police,UGG Clearance, the red powder is a drug,

actually hidden inside a small rented a drug factory. Police immediately launched investigations of the housing estates. Said the landlord, tenants for a man and a woman, the man called Police found a name for the site, The police judge,

The Tu Shen, the three men were drug trafficking convictions, Mr. Han confessed

Tushen while in the other two groups of investigators suspect began Hwang and The long-distance tracking, 8 o'clock that night, police in south Yidu Zhicheng railway station on a train, the Hwang (male, 47 years old, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, people), Zhanjiang) arrested two suspects at this time is only 10 minutes from the train departure.

into the serving a good performance in 2004, Hwang was an early release.

2010 in July, was released from prison less than two years Drug is useful to know in Yichang,

two hit it off, Hwang promised to introduce In late July 2010, the two came together in Yunnan. Unexpectedly, they were each other in transactions Stealing from Thieves,

transaction fails, the Think so

spent ten days at home, Hwang chance that a group of friends have got pills Ma fruit pieces like shot. To make up This will not only make up

mid-August this year, Hwang will be purchased before a fruit punch and hemp pill fragments, caffeine powder, spices, blender, glass beakers, flasks and other manufacturing tools and materials to the shipment in Yichang

8 20 May, Hwang came to Yichang, began in the

present, involved five police officers have been under criminal detention according to law. (Reporter Zhou Shoujiang correspondent Chen Qiu Ping)

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