
Goose JacketsKilling of hostages by kidnappers after ransom missing person search

12 月 25 evening, the old man Lingbi Youji Zhen Liu Yin set area of ​​responsibility to the vice squad report: His 10-year-old grandson and a 9-year-old boy next door to the particular set of street access, lost way back together. The child's disappearance, his family have been in Suzhou, Xuzhou, posted missing person, but also through radio, television tracing,UGG Boots, but no results.

25 日 下午 4 时 58 minutes, Liu old man suddenly got a stranger's phone, saying a child in their hands, let the children families with 20 million in at 15:00 on the 26th to the ransom of Zhengzhou Railway Station people, and threatened that if the police threatened to kill.

Alarm, Lingbi Police immediately set up a task force to begin Mopai suspects.

26 pm, Liu old man pre-arranged plan of the police contact with the kidnappers. After bargaining,Goose Jackets, the ransom the kidnappers agreed to reduce, and asked the child's family as soon as possible to raise funds on the same day at 4 pm contact him again.

15:20 the same day, police task force set in a particular street is a game room to the Internet Moumou suspects arrested.

clever boy missing police to catch the kidnappers

to repay the loan, Lingbi Moumou kidnapped two boys who, after an hour it will actually killed two. Five days later, took to the streets for children to buy milk Moumou happened to the boy found parents posted on the tracing, so he called at the above phone number to ask for 200,000 yuan ransom. Police Alarm careful planning, the boys parents to report the next day about Moumou captured. Yesterday, Lingbi police announced the kidnapping and murder of Moumou has been under criminal detention.

Moumou after every means to deny the arrest, said his 25 pm set on the street in particular, is to buy milk. Police after match wits and ultimately forced the Moumou confessed he is calling people for ransom, his two children have been killed.

26 日 下午 4 At 1950 hours the police account of the possession in Moumou found where the dead bodies of two dead children.

It Moumou account, the year is approaching, in order to return the credit of the loan, he sprouted the idea of ​​kidnapping for ransom.

19 am, Moumou electric car ride to the particular set on the streets looking for crime targets, until 4:00 pm did not find a suitable object,UGG Boots, ready to go home when the encounter two small boys, then They will play the game to accompany them for the name away. An hour later, he brutally murdered the child and hiding the body.

kidnapped children because the number provided is not accurate, Moumou has no contact with their parents. 25, 3 pm, Moumou to the particular set of street children to buy milk for their own, happen to see on the wall on the tracing and follow the above phone number played in the past ... ...

< p> At present, Moumou has been under criminal detention according to law, the case is under further investigation.

Tao Li Yong told reporters

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