
UGG Online ShopTechnical school students are placed into the factory workers need help to leave the

newspaper Yangpu September 2 (Reporter Wang Yong) is a technical school to fight on the surface of recruitment advertising, in fact, recruit cheap labor for business, technical school students spend after entering high school fees and can not learn technology, and are arranged into the factory, the wages should be deducted a large part of the school.

went to school, some parents want their children to go to technical school to learn a craft, this desire simple but realistic. But some people have begun to seize the psychological parents of students cheat cheat --- first school, after learning through a simple three-month put the students sent to the factory, the use of their money, and some even returned to the students' brainwashing

sheep home in Yangpu Mr. angrily complained to reporters today, his son last year after graduating from high school, college entrance examination scores less than ideal, so he wanted to send his son to learn a skill. By chance, Mr. Yang points in Danzhou an admission of a technical school in Guangdong see the advertisements, the ad listed a number of popular professional school. Mr. Yang wanted his son to study fashion design, you call the Admissions phone. Each other on the phone told him that the school's fashion design technical schools teaching the same quality at the forefront of the students upon graduation is no lack of work.

emphatic listening to staff, in September last year, Mr. Yang will send their children to school. But then he found the school did not fashion design. The school staff explained that the admissions staff of professional wrong, I hope the children who attend Mr. Yang Electronics and Electrical,UGG Online Shop, and told him now is the lack of electronic electrical industry in Guangdong's technical staff, graduate students monthly salary of not less than 4,000 yuan.

because they have to the school, staff explained that they are a temptation, Mr. Yang gave the children reported a three-year electronic technology professional, annual tuition fee 4800 yuan.

but think that Mr. Yang is the only son in the school for three months, they arranged to work in an electronics company, said the staff did not pay so high, only 1200 yuan a month . But also directly into the schools account wages, the school must deduct $ 600 per semester per person accommodation.

sheep sheep son of Mr. Kay told reporters that he did not learn much in the technical school and electronic electrical side of things, to the factory every day mechanical work, not high-tech, the first end of the semester, many students do not want to do. But the school's staff to tell you that you can not plant dry and must return home to help the school enrollment, students can hire a commission $ 1000, complete the enrollment task can also get a diploma.

sheep took that Oscar told his father, the father determined to let him drop out, can not harm other fellow. As a result, the Yangpu sheep back to the Oscar, not only cost money, but also a waste of a semester, the delay in the study.

Reporters learned that only students who cheated on Yangpu Oscar more than a sheep, a symbol of high school graduates attending technical school in Guangdong, but also suffered a similar experience.

And what makes Mr. Yang would have thought that he recently saw in that big point in the recruitment of the enrollment, in order to allow more parents fooled, Mr. Yang call the newspaper, hoping to give the majority of parents, students, mind you.

clues provided by Mr. Yang, the reporter found today in the entrance channel Danzhou big point. Entrance covered entrance point of some technical school in Guangdong advertisements, enrollment within four points are playing mahjong. That reporters visit, they stopped playing mahjong, a bell named head of the reporters from enrollment.

correspondent on Mr. Yang's face to the name of responsible person for questioning. The official said he was only responsible for admissions,Moncler Store, curriculum and organization of work by the school management. In addition, he said he commissioned last year, enrollment of Guangdong, a technical school does have a lot of places are not standardized, this year has been changed to the point of co-enrollment schools.

reporter interviewed the provincial Department of Education Vocational Education Department official who answered the province and professional schools,UGG Shop, vocational education has been quite extensive, parents can choose their favorite, familiar professional schools. The official also reminded parents to lie in the existence of a few areas of technical schools, that the parents before the enrollment qualifications from schools, so as not to be deceived.

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