
Goose CoatsForeign currency accounts

Baike card

domestic institutions, foreign institutions and individuals in accordance with the provisions of account management approved foreign exchange deposits of banks and non-bank financial institutions in a freely convertible currency account opened.


category review materials materials account opening procedures account Transfer Transfer customers close the doors closed category under owned

foreign currency accounts

enterprises to retain foreign exchange earnings limit operating procedures Required conditions for Chinese enterprises can apply to the SAFE-funded designated foreign exchange banks to open foreign exchange settlement account, to retain a certain amount of foreign exchange. Foreign exchange special account include: import agent,Goose Coats, trade projects, labor service, donor assistance, special agent, international freight, international exchange, international travel, temporary duty-free goods and services received must be paid in the country such as opening foreign exchange accounts and contract services to be In foreign exchange accounts opened. Review material 1, for open foreign exchange accounts, the account application should be a formal letter, must be stamped with official seal, apply the contents of a clear, open an account application must specify the source of foreign exchange funds, use of, bank, account currency , in the case of special account needs to explain the project and the situation and the opening period, and the foreign exchange bureau and other materials required 2. Need to hold foreign currency accounts as required by the original and a copy of the material 3. Donations or assistance unit must be domestic civil society organizations, research institutes, universities and other domestic institutions, according to the agreement will be donated or donated aid money for overseas payment. 4. Do not meet the above requirements, all returned without review. Opening material 1, foreign-funded enterprises settled

current foreign exchange accounts

account (1) the right to operate import and export of foreign trade import and export volume in the annual equivalent of U.S. $ 30 million, registered capital of 10 million yuan or more; have the right to operate import and export business import and export volume of production equivalent of 10 million U.S. dollars in registered capital of 30 million yuan or more (2) is the administrative department for industry and commerce registration of legal persons (3) Corporate Finance good import and export volume: is the foreign trade companies or have the right to operate import and export manufacturing enterprises based on customs declarations annually by the actual amount of the import and export statistics. 2. Foreign-funded enterprises in the special account (1) trade under the import agent, special trade accounts (including successful trade under special, large-scale export of electromechanical products, bid bond, the first harvest support re-export, etc.) must provide the material: a) Account Application letter; b) business license; c) Ministry of Foreign Trade on the right to operate outside of the approval; d) associated with the account of the contract; e) units of foreign currency on the domestic sources of material; f) other materials required by the SAFE (2) donations, aid to provide foreign exchange account to be material: a) account opening application letter; b) Some units are required to provide the community of Civil Affairs issued registration certificate or the People's Bank documents of approval for the establishment of the Foundation; c) a donation agreement in effect, a consent form or assistance agreement ; d) some units receiving assistance are required to provide relevant power of attorney; e) other materials required by the SAFE (3) special foreign exchange account must provide the agency business materials: a) account opening application letter; b) business license; c) national authorities, commissions, bureaus of the documents of approval to operate the agency business; d) freight company needs to provide its international cargo transport agent enterprise approval certificate (4) International maritime transport operations and ocean transportation company, Sinotrans foreign companies and charter companies account must provide the material: a) account opening application letter; b) business license; c) the Ministry and other departments of ratifications (5) International Travel Exchange account must provide materials: a) account opening application letter; b) the business license; c ) National Tourism Administration eligible for international travel documents of approval; d) the National Tourism Administration approved last year, account opening procedures 1, who meet the 2. Units in the account opening application, you can choose according to the situation of the unit bank. Silver

account foreign exchange account

line limited to approved foreign exchange business of the head office and its branches. 3. Recipient shall be required to provide my Office account all the necessary materials, by my account approved by the Board, shall within 30 working days with the Bank should fill out the Any excess of 30 days, units not yet reached the bank account open an account, the SAFE issued the 4. Of the same nature of foreign exchange accounts, a unit of account in principle, only allowed Xu Kaili one. As a result of business needs,UGG Boots, and where two or more accounts opened, Exchange will strictly according to the specific circumstances of the approval. 5. Account units such as the loss of Account 1, account for account payment unit, must be issued to the banks' foreign currency account cards. Bank with Any units and bank accounts without the approval of the foreign exchange bureau shall not exceed the scope of use of the account. 2. Recipient shall be Net income for the settlement of the account to be, Recipient shall promptly apply for settlement. Progress of the project to be delayed due to problems with the account, should advance to the foreign exchange bureau for, are not allowed without the approval of an extension. Foreign currency accounts - account control 1. Approved foreign exchange accounts opened per year to attend the annual inspection. Recipient subject to the Inspection time for 1-4 months each year. Account of the specific inspection commissioned by the account unit accounting firms. SAFE approved by a designated accounting firm an annual list, released to the Recipient. Unit of account to choose the accounting firm of its annual accounts. 2. Annual and daily supervision of the following found in the behavior of illegal use of account, according to Administration inspection department to be investigated: (1) open foreign exchange accounts without approval (2) rent, lend, transfer foreign currency account (3) changing the scope of account (4) the Board approved without foreign exchange account beyond the maximum amount, period of use using the account (5) Violation of other regulations on foreign exchange close the doors Transfer Transfer (1) unit of account after the account is approved, within six months does not allow transferable. Six months after opening, as a result of unit relocation, or the original bank services are not standardized, causing inconvenience to the account, may apply for Transfer. But if the strong pull simply because bank deposits and other business competition reasons, the foreign exchange bureau shall not process the Transfer procedure. (2) Transfer of account units for processing formalities, Transfer unit required to hold the application and the original Foreign exchange bureau after examination and approval, shall issue Unit holders of this account to the bank Transfer of ratification formalities. Close the doors (1) the termination of normal business need to close your account. Account units such as foreign currency accounts without the need for further use, note should be held close the doors, , issued Recipient shall, within ten working days after the close family cleared the bank account to send material SAFE. (2) the illegal use of account was ordered to cancel your account foreign exchange bureau. Foreign exchange bureau in the annual accounts or on-site inspection found that the unit has a serious case of illegal use of account of the behavior, can be ordered to remove illegal bank account. Banks with foreign exchange bureau issued a Recipient should be received within ten days that banks hold close the doors closed bank account materials, In addition to the above requirements, the Recipient should also carefully study Domestic institutions,UGG Outlet Online, foreign institutions and individuals in accordance with the provisions of account management approved foreign exchange deposits of banks and non-bank financial institutions in a freely convertible currency account opened. Further reading: 1

State Administration of Foreign Exchange

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