
UGG Sale Shed case of husband and wife keep elephants surrounded by night without sleep was chasing

Elephants coming, leaving the flash motor.

responsible for guarding the camp at night surrounded by group of elephants, attack Lu Lin Jinghong man can not sleep a night, it gets ready to leave Qizhemotuo shed when it was less than 300 meters to go out sprang on the roadside Kuangzhui of a Grand Duke, as the final fall was lucky enough to escape after a hard break. Yesterday, early morning, the reporter heard the news rushed to the old road in the Wild Elephant Valley 213 State Road, the scene of the lot, a side road Fang Shulin formed by the eight elephants elephants, like the one led by the Grand Duke, still with 30 meters confrontation with the crowd.

spotted elephants terrified night watchman

7:30 am,UGG Sale, reporters rushed to the scene, I saw seven motorcycles and two cars blocked the road. Side of the elephants on the road Fang Shulin group, working with more than 30 passers-by and stand-off migrant workers on the site. As long as the crowd a little one close to the lead as the Grand Duke on the road next to the roaring rushing attack, until the crowd had just turned back to recover scattered elephants. Critical moment, heard about the Wild Elephant Valley area to protect elephants track team four players,UGG Sale, immediately stop the acts of people enraged elephants, so that we withdraw further afield, the group of elephants slowly disappeared In the dense forest above the road.

attack, according to the injured Lu Lin said there last night around 7:00 in the group of elephants came to his vigil near the shed and move around the site is working overtime to make the lifting of the bridge was forced to stop work, casual workers After the vigil alone to some fear, he telephoned his wife came along and keep their own shed.

after dark, sheds four weeks in the forest elephants increasing in number, terrifying roar and trees issued a Around 5 am yesterday, more than ten head elephants walking around in the shed, even scared his wife are not out of the atmosphere. Until 7 in the morning sky gradually illuminated, the woods began to quiet down.

elephants at dawn was chasing

7 点 10 points, estimated to have gone away a group of elephants, Lin Lu attack on a motorcycle ready to go home pick up something to eat things come to camp. Just pulled out less than 300 meters, the road suddenly out of the woods next to one with long teeth like a Grand Duke. Lu Lin turned around and before the attack motorcycle, which erected the first palm-leaf fan like elephants on the two big ears, rushed over, he turned around and scared crazy driving motorized pedal to the metal back, the result is less than 50 meters even escape people with a motorcycle to the ground. At this point,UGG Sale, out to catch up to the elephants have long noses to the head, Lu Lin tolerate the pain attack, desperately get rid of pressure in the leg after a motorcycle ran scratching and scrambling forward. Bolted out of breath more than 100 meters dare look back, this time, he found, as has been chasing his Grand omitted. God set to attack Lin Lu, quickly took out his cell phone, please embolden workers came to the scene.

soon, a dozen workers arrived, with passers-by more than 30 people, Lin Lu attack motorcycle fell to the ground with everyone back in place, find a composition of eight elephants elephant group has crossed the road was about to enter the woods. See all of a sudden there are so many people come around, like the Grand Duke the lead back to catch up immediately Fan Shen, and the rest of the elephants also remain in place and the crowd confrontation. As the workers want to group into the woods as soon as elephants, hijacked a motorcycle lying on the ground will be good, they shouted in unison and throwing stones to the way driving, but did not expect infuriated elephants, tug of war with the crowd.

□ correspondent, chief correspondent Dai Zhenhua Wang Yuan Songming photo coverage (Spring City Evening News)

