
UGG Boots Hunan civil liberties of pregnant women were responsible for the incidents hit hotel deal

Tang Wang Han said the avant-garde that is not clean her hands, walked, said, and shouted to call the boss. At this point, working with his father Liao Yuejun inside the box to talk about things in another shop owner Liao Guanqun hear the sound immediately after the avant-garde out to ask Don how is it? Don asked, scuffle with each other, then other people involved, the fight lasted about 20 minutes, both parties were injured.

A father of two and severely beaten. Liaomou Wang and his father and pregnant women hospitalized in Dongkou Hospital. child measures. Write back and say, eating the same day as the hole Xianlaodongju personnel under the Bureau of Employment Services staff Yuan Hailin labor market, work injury insurance labor bureau station Xiao Xin Hua, Shi Jiang Tang, avant-garde and Yuan Hailin traffic police squadron friends, a total of nine people.

letter, said that the current hole, discipline inspection and supervision departments were responsible for the relevant accountability process.

letter, the drink a bit more avant-garde because I do not know Xiao Xin Tang China has been paying, they pay out to the bar see that no one will shout You have someone who has bought a single Han seeing - his mouth,

Yuan Hailin, who was injured (to provide users)
fights occurred restaurants (User provided)
fake Report: October 24, the hole Xianlaodongju staff Yuanhai Lin, Xiao XH other nine food and beverage department in the county transit hotel after dinner, with food and beverage department Liao boss in conflict, both parties were injured. October 26, a Food and Beverage boss pregnant wife,UGG Boots, was actually thwarted by the resistance after the hotel.

net posts: molesting women is not a smashing hotel

forward hole in the Red Net will post the county, the local County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Bureau leaders immediately instructed the county law enforcement to monitor the room led Commission for Discipline Inspection, in conjunction with the police, the labor department set up joint investigation teams. The investigation, Yuan Hailin restaurant owners and others in conflict with true, current Dongkou discipline inspection and supervision departments were responsible for the relevant accountability process.

post, said at 14:40 on October 24 about the hole Xianlaodongju standing under the transit hotel and restaurant work injury insurance County Department of hospitality leadership meal. 3 bottles of wine you'll feel in height, the meals are an excuse to take liberties with the Ministry of hotel and restaurant owners have been pregnant wife Liu Wang, Wang was resistance.

