
UGG Boots Dental clinic fees vary hundred thousand dollars only cost a few dollars porcelain teeth

urban village in the corner, bath room with the barber next to, or even used car market in North Central street ... ... correspondent visited by a few days, found that brand of dental clinics everywhere, everywhere

the same day, the reporter off the tiger in Tuen another dental clinic, dentist diagnosed by

correspondent unannounced visits to the many

because dentures category varied, so the fees vary widely, and some fitted out a tooth every turn asking a thousand dollars, which maybe a thousand dollars of the teeth is the black villages in the workshop production.

salesman sell dentures broke the purchase price of 30 five-six

22 today is the first Love Teeth Day. This few days ago, reporters at a regular dental hospital before diagnosis, then go back and forth between the various dental clinics, the diagnostic results are quite different, and more charges are outrageous. Insiders pointed out, leading to the dental market was mixed in Zhengzhou in Zhengzhou City, with more than 100 medical institutions in the formal oral competition pieces of porcelain teeth, the gap between the different clinics charge as high as a hundred times! Reporters unannounced visits found that asking a thousand dollars on the so-called imported porcelain teeth, in fact, the same workshop from the black, the purchase price was only 30, cost only a few dollars!

out of porcelain teeth one at 30-50 yuan or so, but the cost of materials plus the staff salaries, etc. However a few dollars. During the peak season, processing sites sell hundreds of pieces one day dentures, there are a few thousand dollars a day profit, flies flying, I saw, used to do a lot of metal ceramic dental materials are scrap, I heard the workers said privately that part of the waste after treatment are still available, because they are inexpensive, so there has been need not worry about business.

Pharmacy strayed into blood vessels can cause syncope patients; patients with toothache, often the entire face swollen, inexperienced doctors often can not accurately positioned, there pulling the wrong tooth, pulling off the teeth, nerve damage, teeth, etc. strayed into the maxillary sinus mistakes Also the oral treatment does not require routine inspection hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis, AIDS, therefore, strict disinfection measures cause cross-infection of patients at risk, and in the regular hospital, a dental patient to lie down in bed, about to be consumed disinfection costs $ 30, a small clinic in order to save costs, often just do not even alcohol disinfection sterilization.

regular dental hospital generally has a porcelain Division, to talk about Yu-named director of the porcelain has been done for decades porcelain teeth, she said their hospital porcelain teeth are their own, Corey is also divided into fixed groups, activity groups, have specialized technicians for the patient to do film model, and then do the wax-generation model, a box of wax will sink several hundred dollars in Japan, small clinics do not have these conditions.

9 17, reporter posing as dentist, went to Zhengzhou to hide in a suburb of a dental office on the third floor of the factory unannounced visits, through the glass shop, the reporter saw wearing a uniform garment workers are busy men and women, some in front of the computer model to do some grinding in the machine under the other a workshop filled with cardboard boxes, some workers are busy doing the porcelain teeth mounted fill.

Valley grams of dawn for the detailed examination revealed, in fact, she only needs to fill two teeth dental clinic is now being black have to do a flicker of porcelain teeth, mouth, more than 10,000 dollars to spend do not say her mouth to do the normal porcelain teeth were all due to grinding small, can not repair, grams Xiao said.

so small porcelain dental clinic where it come from? A clinic specifically for small porcelain teeth to send man told reporters: processing plant, Zhengzhou surrounding this denture (false teeth) with more than 20 plants, mostly black and workshops, but every family business is booming. but transformed into a small clinic became five or six hundred,

Correspondent wait in line for more than an hour, finally shouting, lying on the treatment machine, although young men wearing masks and disposable gloves, but to reporters when the teeth are not replaced, a small plastic stick the red probe imports, and the other handle with a small iron hook began to beat reporter's teeth. a cup, the reporter found the cup with liquid, and tools and try to hook a small iron rusting. : dental clinics, dental clinics, this clinic with another comprehensive The result is not the reporter's teeth problems, is the need to wash, Reporters prescribe some anti-inflammatory drugs. When the photographer asked again another day, the female dentist immediately fell out and began to block reporters not to leave the foul-mouthed,

9 15, the reporter first arrived at a formal Erqi Road Dental Hospital. Lying on the treatment machine, a doctor carefully checked after the reporter's teeth, said: , this extraction does not belong to him,

Valley grams Xiao told reporters, in fact, false teeth into a good variety, with metal teeth, metal porcelain tooth, the whole porcelain teeth, porcelain teeth are divided into the metal nickel-chromium alloy, cobalt chromium alloys, titanium, etc.

early August, an old woman clutching the northeast face swollen Lao Gao to find a Dental Hospital of Zhengzhou City, the head doctor Valley grams Xiao Repair Division,UGG Boots, she said they just spend a small dental clinic thousand dollars to do a mouthful of porcelain teeth, inflammation of the results do not eat rice became swollen.

the fourth floor of another doctor after diagnosis, said to reporters: Reporters, extraction, though not a major surgery, but it must not be taken lightly, if the first pass is susceptible to disinfection, then there are the film depends on the adjacent teeth and gums into account factors such as, necrosis of the good teeth to the rule.

some said did not cure the disease that would take some eight thousand

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The reporter also learned that certain unscrupulous dentists to save costs, the cans made of leather is fixed denture teeth with steel wire. A regular hospital dentist told reporters, cans of root stimulation to the skin can easily cause tooth damage; and tooth extraction in the use of the anesthetic, but some strong caustic drugs into the dentist, the use of this drug extraction when the patient does not feel pain, but can easily cause infection; addition, collection of regular and some special clinics, the hospital's waste dentures or industrial scrap materials reprocessing, self-evident.

Dental clinic is giving patients a medical consultation

for cost savings with special steel cans do

Zhengzhou Municipal Health Bureau official, said in an interview with reporters, Zhengzhou City, a regular oral health care institutions more than 100. Specializing in medical equipment and a distribution of self-employed, told reporters that the whole of Zhengzhou City, undocumented

□ correspondent Zhuchang Zhen Wen Du Xiaowei map

But in this man selling porcelain teeth to reporters, but at the side of a young woman crying, saying her teeth were pulled after loading the porcelain teeth, and now half of face swollen pain , and

9 17, correspondent in custody Zhai Center Street northbound to see neither the sign was not any evidence of a small clinic, a simple dental device placed at the door, behind the instrument , several men and women wearing white lab coat, busy. Dentist who claimed the young man to a woman who is busy loading braces, several other patients are sitting on the sofa waiting in line, some scaling, some treatment toothache ... ...

