
UGG UK Sale"The woods

"The woods?"Peter protested. "This is where we're hiding from the Cantos? The woods."

"You shouldn't need to hide since you are one!"I groaned, lifting the pieces of wood into place,Vibram Fiver Finger Shoes, forming a small house.

"I'm not Canto!"

'You're not human."I complained. I took a sharp rock and dug it into my skin, placing a small trail of blood on the outter pieces of wood. "Logan, if you see a Racant, run in here, claim home sanctuary. Canto members can't enter the home unless invited. As long as they aren't welcome, Canto members will stay out. Racants will stay out starving, waiting for you to come out, then the sunlight will catch them."

"What about Nancants? The sun won't hurt them."Peter piped up.

"That's where you come in."I smiled. Peter looked at me scared. Two boys from Blue State, Canto or not have probably never fought a day in their lives. Toughest thing Logan's ever fought was probably a rabbit and Peter was probably a human to keep himself alive. "If things get difficult, I'll be here."I warned, not knowing what help I could be with my exhaustion. Logan's stomach began growling as he gripped it,Coach Outlet, trying to keep it from making noises.

"Sorry."He mumbled. "I haven't eaten since we left."I nodded, pulling a stick over the fire Peter had started. I quickly skinned the mice and rabbit, saving the duck for morning, as they slowly roasted on the fire. I glanced at Peter who stayed far away from Logan and I.

"I'm not going to eat you."He muttered. "I'm not like that."

"What are you?"I asked.

"I'm...it's hard to explain."He grumbled, entering the 'house'.

"He's a Canto."Logan mumbled. "But not like most. He doesn't want human blood."

"Doesn't he have to consume blood? Or else he'll die?"

"No...Peter is my brother...well he was. We used to live here in Red State in 3000. Our mother was a rare thing. She was one of the Silcas. Those rare humans that can breed human/vampire half breeds. So when Elias found her and us, instead of having us murdered our mother claimed sancutary, and once Elias found out about our mother's...special talent. We were put to work."He sighed,Moncler Store, wiping the dirt off his face.

"And what of your mother?"

"When she refused to bare Elias a child he swore to have her put to death. She was allowed one night to tell us goodbye, and that night in the Hub, some dirty little girl came and helped us. She had the most beautiful piercing green eyes I'd ever seen. Like emeralds."He smiled, getting nestalgic. "She said she could get us out. She led us to the middle of the Hub, through a sweage system and on the other side, was a forrest."He said, slightly confused.

"This is that forrest. There's a seweage line connecting to the Hub a few miles that way."

"Peter wanted the girl to come with us but she swore she couldn't. Something about oweing it to her father to stay, and pledging her loyality to the Cantos and Elias. While they were talking, a Stocant came in search of my mother. Damn warriors. He slit my mother's throat instantly and took the girl and Peter back to the sewege line and the Hub. I was a coward and ran. I left Peter and the girl to die. We were only 4. The morning came and I was hiding in a cave. When I left Peter was bleeding the purple slime from the Cantos...he survives on the blood from monkys because it's the closest to humans."

"And what of the girl?"I asked.

"Peter said the Stocant took her to Elias, and he heard her scream, before there was a squishy thud on the ground. And Elias threw her cloth out the window with her blood on it."

"I see."I mumbled. It's always devestating when Elias murders young children. He makes it a spectacle. He removes their head, then takes the top rim of their shirt and throws it out the window, and it's an Ocant's job to retrieve it and display it on the flag poles.

"What about you? What's your story?"

"Elias sent Stocants to murder my father because he was making a mixture to turn the Cantos into humans again. Which would destroy all power Elias has. So he killed my whole family and for some reason the Stocant let me live. I had to learn how to survive on my own at the age of 4."

"That's pretty much impossible."He sighed.

"Yeah. Unless you'd been learning how since you were born. My father knew the Stocants would be coming for him eventually."Stocants were nasty vampires. Haunting black faces with piercing white eyes. They had four strong arms with long black claws at the end. I shuddered remembering how the had feasted on my mother and father. Peter sat inside the 'house', perched up on the wood.

"So what the hell are we going to do?"He asked. "Live out in the woods,UGG UK Sale, fighting off Racants and Nancants until it goes up high enough and Elias has a Stocant come and murder/take us back to him so he can kill us there?"

"No...of course not."

"Then what then?"

"I want this war to stop!"

"How can 3 people stop an entire war?"He said, scoffing.

"We can do anything."I groaned. "If we can get back to Blue State...if all the humans are gone, then all the Cantos will die out and Red State can be taken over by the last few humans in Blue State!"

"She has a point."Logan sighed. "If we get rid of Elias and the Canto, destroy their horrible buildings and allow the foliage to come back, Red State could be a regular garden of Eden."

"Christ Logan, are you trying to bring back everything from the Dark Ages? First that stupid gun now religion?"Peter snapped.

"You don't have to be mean to him, he's just trying to help!"I yelled.

"Yeah,Dre Beats, well if you two idiots want to take on the Canto by starving them, then be my guest."

"What's your idea?"I asked. He stood and tackled me to the ground. A Racant lurched over us, falling into the fire. He turned as Peter stood in front of me, hissing with the Racant. He tore the poor beat to shreds, standing above him. He dipped a stick into the fire lighting the 3 pieces on fire as a purple gas escaped from them remains of the Racant.

"My idea is we just wait to die. I have no interest in staying in this world anymore."Peter groaned.

"I think we need to go with Ever's idea."Logan groaned.

"And you expect me to protect you don't you? Try living in the life of a Canto then you can tell me about how much you want to stay alive, wait, I'm not alive!"Peter ranted. I stood, walking to him. He glared at me. "You keep encouraging him. Persuading him to live."

"Why shouldn't he want to live?"

"Look at the world we live in Ever. Open your eyes. What is the point of survival in a world you hate--"

"To spare the one who want to live."I snapped. "Stop being selfish. You two come from Blue State but you are originally from here. Your mother would not have wanted to give up on saving those in Blue State, even when you have the power to do so."I growled. He stared at me then glanced at Logan.

"We can't let this go on, if we can stop it."Logan mumbled.

"Fine. If you two want this war to stop fine--"

"We can't do it without you. If we did, we'd be killed within the week."I sighed.

"Starving the Canto is not the way."

"Then what is the way since you know so much."

"Take out Elias. The original Canto. If he's eliminated all Canto from him will perish. The Racants, Nancant, Stocants, and Ocants will all dissapear. Then the human from Blue State can return here and create your paradise."Peter sighed. "There is only one way to defeat Elias. You must pierce his heart, the tear him and set him ablaze. Only then can you have you human lives returned to normal."

"Where is Elias' palace?"Logan asked.

"In the Hub. We'll need to take the sewege system to find it."I sighed.

"We can go in the morning."Peter sighed.

"So we're going to take down an entire empire?" Logan asked.

"3 people."Peter mumbled.

"And we can."I sighed, standing. "I want to do this in honor of my father."I mumbled.

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