
Beats By DreChinese student SAT test is low due to lack of the training of thinking ability in Netea

The Guangzhou Daily News reported: "the United States of America college entrance exam ()" (SAT) be raging like a storm tide, Chinese student achievement?Recently, Duke International Education published domestic SAT annual report, Chinese students' poor academic performance, average scores lower than the United States of America nearly 300 students from the United States, the official reference line is more than 300 points.
A message, immediately caused by educational circles.Having experienced the test, to exam Kyo why Chinese students will be "the United States of America college entrance examination."?Reading, writing: "heavy disaster area lost points" report shows, Chinese SAT students scored an average of only 1213 points (out of 2400), and the United States' 1509 points compared with the gap between high, nearly 300 branch.
This 300 minute gap mainly to self check students' critical thinking ability in reading and writing test.Which only read a, Chinese students will lose more than 170 points.This shows that Chinese students' overall lack of effective thinking ability training, it is also restricted Chinese students academic ability is one of the most important factors.
Mathematics: only 30 points higher than the American students Chinese students in mathematics has been known for good, but SAT math test scores only 547 points (out of 800) [url=http://www.beatsbydreaudio.co.uk/]Beats By Dre[/url]


, only 30 points higher than the American students.
According to the report, the reasons for this phenomenon are three: first, Chinese students' mathematical professional English vocabulary poor overall grasp; second, although the SAT math knowledge is narrow, but a lot of knowledge to examine more depth; third, the SAT math difficulty equal to Chinese high level, so Chinese students in mathematics advantages to show completely.
Guangdong: students scores the second report shows, Beijing area students scored an average of 1446, topping the list; Guangdong area with 1388 points in second; the average in Shanghai area is divided into 1211 points, ranking third.
Three regions of the average score was significantly higher than that of other areas of the country, but were lower than those of the United States of America average, while less than 1550 American University Council official reference points.
International School: grades have obvious advantages China International schools, ordinary high school international students SAT average score of 1403 points, than the average high school class of 220 points higher, have obvious advantages.
Over the past 10 years in China's booming international high school, international class, academic English education effect is distinct.Although the domestic international education is still not fully equivalent to the Native American senior high school education, but the gap has become increasingly small.
Explanation of terms: SAT SAT Scholastic Assessment Test Corp, namely academic ability assessment test, is almost all of the American University, especially the Ivy League recognized and require applicants to the test result, it was decided to admissions and scholarships assessment is an important reference index.
The SAT reference guide to writing key words: fine, accurate, a new Chinese writing habits, get rid of.According to the new SAT teacher Lin Ren introduced, refining and vivid action verbs (action verbs) is described in this paper examples and the most effective one of the part of speech, but Chinese students in writing, often used to write "A B" or "A is how", frequently use is, are, to be be verbs series the way of expression, the sentence structure is too rigid.
Two, logic and innovation for writing.The United States higher education to promote the innovation ability of students, so students if you want to obtain SAT writing high words, must answer to reflect its logic thinking and innovative ability.
Teacher often look at the structure of the article, and then examine the logical relationship between paragraphs and sentences, if the students can reflect the viewpoint of innovation, often can add a lot of.
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