
UGG OutletMan to help his father open the tractor crashed into the reservoir when the death of Kiyos

man to help his father open a tractor fell into the reservoir when Kiyoshi

3 pm, 18-year-old driving a tractor for his father, Li Yushu City tuqiaozhen Yuhuangmiao in the reservoir Kiyoshi, the people and car accidentally fall into the Bingku, Mike died trapped in the cab. 4 pm, Changchun City Police Fire Brigade divers into the water bodies of the victims will be salvaged.


hundreds of people on the shore crowd

4 am, the reporter came to the incident in Yushu City tuqiaozhen Yuhuangmiao reservoir at this time Reservoir west of about 300 onlookers. The reservoir into an oval shape, a diameter of about 3,000 meters, the northwest side of a mountain land, tractor fell into the water reservoir is located west of the location, about 130 meters from the shore, the water exposing a small portion of the rear of the tractor shovel. The ice was cleared from a road width of 2 meters of snow, road, tractor fell into the position of the newer west side of Snow Road, There above the tractor rut through India, and India can be seen from the track when the ice has been actively of water. Most Snow Road east of the above are also covered under the new snow, the snow has not this part to clean up. According to the crowd that the winter ice reservoir will have a lot of snow, the snow clean up after the fish under the ice to breathe breathe photosynthesis, tractor fall river near the ice thickness is about 50 cm, Kiyoshi tractor is in the above no problem.

rescue schedule

12 am, the Changchun City Police Fire Brigade Secret Service officers and men to carry the fire brigade, a squadron of dive equipment rushed to the scene.

12 时 05 minutes, fire officers and soldiers and the people around the tractor started to use ice Qianzi drilling location of the ice falling, the ice carved into a wide, and standing about 3 meters Bingku, exposing the water below, in order to prevent the increase in weight caused the ice again collapse, fire brigade and the police will be around the crowd was not related to evacuation, and set up a cordon.

12 时 15 minutes, fire officers and the people began to set up around the Bingku springboard to increase Bingku around the force area, to prevent Bingku edge collapse again.

12 around 8:30, fire officers and soldiers in a variety of equipment in the fire inspection, and carried to the engine and other equipment to test the ice again, diving equipment and other equipment have also carried to the ice, fire officers and soldiers of the equipment tested one by one.

13 时 25 minutes or so, divers Wei Wang and Sun Jun began wearing diving equipment, diving equipment is waterproof, but not warm, the reporter wearing a down jacket and cotton-padded shoes standing on the ice, not stop shivering, cold and suffered two divers can imagine.

13 时 37 minutes, two fire brigade divers Wang Hongwei in the arm, pull-down ladder to climb, dive, and wear good equipment, another diver Sun Jun has been on standby at the scene.

13 时 45 minutes, the water has been bubbling on the ground, the video screen display, Wei Wang has found the driver fell into the water.

14 hours, Wei Wang out of the water first, then he sneaked into the water, and soon, a man wearing a dark shirt was lifted out of the water, tied a rope around his waist, he is into the water The tractor driver Mike, the shore fire brigade and the water will force men to the shore, Wei Wang, relatives of the deceased are carried quickly simple stretcher, carried to the shore of the car.

14 时 02 minutes or so, Hong-Wei Wang pulled up the ladder, the two teammates leading scorer, tough on the ice stood up, and with several comrades with the diving equipment helmet removed.

14 时 05 minutes or so, wearing a wet diving suit of Wei Wang and other finishing equipment, fire brigade, left the scene.

Wei Wang: 5 days, twice a dive under the ice rescue

Wei Wang Changchun City Police Fire Brigade, a squadron of SWAT brigade assistant squadron leader,UGG Boots, known as the first person to rescue the country under the ice , was rescued at the Moon Lake ice more than the victims, and in December 30, 2010 afternoon, Wei Wang had also infiltrated the town of Zhang Jiutai wave Nihe store reservoir, Kiyoshi rescued when the ice fall into the ice under the forklift driver, less than 5 days in the two sneak into the ice rescue. legs stuck in the steering wheel, and I put him back into the cab, rest for a while, then he pulled up. to see the body shape, and less like a sign of escape, he had stepped on underwater relief is relief on the ground, and this step on your feet nothing, so that does not pull its weight.

to help his father accidentally fell into the reservoir

It is understood that the reservoir under Yushu City Water Conservancy Bureau, has been contracted out to individuals, the reservoir area of ​​about 10,000 acres, about 10 meters water depth tractor fell into the water about 4 meters of water depth, tractor about 3 meters high, four-wheel tractors. In more than 10 days ago, Mike had the whole ice surface snow reservoir conducted clean-up, Mike, 18, is the only son of the family, not married, height 180 cm or more, of strong build body.

It is understood that Mike's family planted more than 10 noon, the house belongs to a well-off than the local residents. Mike, when 14-year-old will drive a large age point, the family also bought a van he was his own. Parents are sent to Li Changchun in 2010 to study tractor. According to the insider, this is Mike's father live in the winter of 2010 the next, tractor is in more than 10 million spent in 2010 bought. Mike's father, Kiyoshi every day to the reservoir, they will drive as Mike, he often helped his father to Kiyoshi, Li and his father switching to the reservoir with clean snow. 3 at noon, Mike reservoir for the father to come home for dinner, his reservoir of ice in the snow clean-up,UGG Outlet, and his father at home after dinner, around 14:30, when the reservoir back and found Mike and tractors with fell into the water. As the Yushu City Fire Brigade and there is no diving equipment, only to the SWAT Team for help.

live with the people that Mike reservoir contractor has relatives, but Mike's family was very excited, the reporter has not been confirmed to relatives.

the scene an old man said, although some ice would form more than half a meter thick ice, but the line cold weather,Moncler Online, the ice will crack, and some may even be deformed, and The following water under pressure also flows out to sleep again when the ice may not be so strong, may be due to thick snow above, this position elsewhere is not solid ice, the ice will produce cracking in the collapse it the sound of cracking it in the tractor should be able to feel it, if the sound was heard after Li jumped down from the tractor quickly, perhaps to leave the danger zone were all right.

Correspondent Hu Haibin Yu Feng Zhao, Assistant Correspondent / text Zhou Xiangyu / photo

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